Sonntag, 28. September 2014

September News & Spiritual challenge

Dear Friends and Family!

Since end of January we are back home (in Zambia). 

It is good to be back in familiar surroundings. After being gone for a year there are many differences that we are noticing.

For the many years of working in Zambia we got used to the way of life and "differences" and did not notice them as we do now.

Why is that?
The best way to explain this is with the following experiment:
The Frog in the Water
The Experiment:
In this experiment scientists took a frog from it‘s cool waters and put it into a tub of cold water. The temperature of the water was slowly raised. Surprisingly, the frog stayed sitting in the water even when it reached a life threatening temperature.
The experiment was repeated with another frog taken from it‘s cool waters. This time the frog was dropped into a tub of hot water. The frog immediately reacted to the extreme temperature and jumped out.

The Conclusion:
In the first attempt the temperature change was never life threatening. The frog got used to the slow rising temperature.
In the second attempt the change was so great that the frog immediately reacted!

Ø  Sometimes we are like the frog in the slow rising temperature.

We don’t notice how much syncretism exists in the church and in the lives of individual Christians. Syncretism in this context is understood as the mixing of biblical values with traditional (animistic) and/or modern western values (post modernism).

Ø  What does this look like?

While we were in the USA, two of the local church leaders (Zambia) were unfaithful in their marriage and put under church discipline. The lack of commitment in marriage is not uncommon in this culture.
A Zambian proverb highlights this well:

„A Chief never commits adultery, he only enjoys himself with all the women that are part of his kingdom anyway“. (Bemba Proverb)
Traditionally, this can be accepted for a chief. The wife/wives have to deal with this …

Now the church leaders in the vernacular speaking churches often take on the status of a small chief in their own little tribal chiefdom (the church they are leading). Sadly, they often act like a traditional chief by “enjoying their subjects.

We could give a lot more examples e.g.: Witchcraft, belief in ancestral spirits, burial rites, etc… Life values and behavioral patterns from the animistic worldview including practices and traditions are mixed and bonded with the Christian life and therefore a modern Christian lifestyle is born.

As Westerners with a long lasting Christian heritage we tend to look down on such behavior. Yet in our own context many of us have started going the same route. We use values and beliefs from our own culture (Post Modernism) and blend them with biblical values and create a modern Christianity acceptable by society. Individualism, tolerance, materialism … are just some of them.

Ø  What can we do against this?
For thousands of years society has tried to improve ethically, but it has not worked. These problems are still present although they have been “labeled“ differently and become acceptable in society.

How good that we have a living faith that is built on the unchanging, flawless, and irrefutable Word of God that saves and changes lives.

Ø  The Answer that Jesus Christ gives to us through His Word:
1.     Therefore go,
2.     Make disciples of all nations:
o    Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
o    And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
3.     And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
(Matthew 28:16-20 NIV)

In our mission work here at AMANO School we strive to full fill this command.
We have the opportunity to make disciples out of these students throughout their fourteen years of school. Wesley L. Duewel put in in the following words:

“Every Christian leader, whatever his official title or role, should be characterized by a passion to lead others to Christ. We all give nominal adherence to winning people. We seem to be a little embarrassed to speak about “souls” since we hear the constant emphasis upon treating people as “whole persons” – body as well as soul. But every human being has a spiritual aspect of his nature which will live forever. When the body dies, the soul will live on. It will be eternally saved, at home with Christ, or eternally lost to Christ and heaven, lost in a Christless eternity in hell.”

Jesus reminds us of this:
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life,
for God’s wrath remains on them.“
John 3:36

Ø  Syncretism in World Missions
Just like we wrote about the syncretism in vernacular churches at the beginning of our letter we could speak about the syncretism in the “modern mission-work” out of Europe or North America.

In “modern” mission work we come across the intentional “change of the bad circumstances” e.g. the fight against poverty, fight for democracy, freedom from abuse … These are all good and noble attempts. In focusing on these, missionaries become developmental workers, diplomats and politicians. Home churches collect vast amounts of money for developmental projects and the “eternal soul of the lost” is no longer the central focus of their investment and mission-work.
Values of our secular society take over, leaving the focus of the great commission on the sidelines.

2 Peter 3:9-14
The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.11 Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, 12 waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn! 13 But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.14 Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace.
If we look at this world with all its problems and worries from a biblical perspective we will see that many of these things are temporary and one day will disappear with this fallen world. In 2 Peter chapter 3 it is clearly explained. (See box below)

Jesus said: „See, I will make everything new“. With His return He will make the world a new. He gave us the command to make disciples of all nations. These disciples will be the salt and light in their own spheres.
In mission-work the focus should not be on building the kingdom of God on earth, but that people will be saved for the eternal kingdom of God.

Hugh Thomson Kerr reminds us: 
We are sent not to preach:
 sociology but salvation;
not economics but evangelism;
not reform but redemption;
not culture but conversion;
not progress but pardon;
not the new social order but the new birth;
not revolution but regeneration;
not renovation but revival;
not resuscitation but resurrection;
not a new organization but a new creation;
not democracy but the gospel;
not civilization but Christ.
We are ambassadors, not diplomats.[1]
Ø  AMANO - School
In July we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the school. Today, 135 students attend grades 1-12 through to A levels. Over 12 nationalities from five continents are represented. Even the faculty and staff come from all over the world.
The goal of Amano Christian School is stated in the school mission statement.

Mission Statement
Amano Christian School aims to provide a high standard of education in the most densely populated province of Zambia, enabling students to develop their full potential.
By teaching from a Biblical worldview all students are encouraged to establish a lasting personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and become responsible members of their community.

All of our facutly and staff are dedicated and have a heavy work load. The only way to lighten this workload is through more faculty and staff.

We desperately need staff from all the world that Jesus has called, and who would enjoy working on the dynamic Amano team in the heart of Africa.
§  Dormparents; 
§  Elementary School teachers;
§  Secondary / High school teachers;
§  Fit retirees with building experience for the building site;
§  Projectmanager (building & maintainence);
§  College students & Graduates as volunteers (6- 12 Months time period);

Ø  Family
Michael & Barbel
Barbel is still in charge of running the school kitchen. She is also a classroom assistant for first and second grade. When the girl‘s or boy‘s dorm-parents have a weekend off, Michael and Baerbel jump in as weekend dorm- parents. On Thursday nights they are kept young by monitoring the students during their homework hour.

Frank Wittmann (Administrative Director) and Michael share an office in the administration building. The overall management and Sunnybrook Christian Trust (school trust) are now Michael‘s responsibility.
Developing the spiritual input in the life of the students in the everyday life is a challenge. Devotions and bible studies are among some of the spiritual inputs in the lives of both students and staff

This past July one of the main „projects“ was the planning and execution of a outreach project helping the poor of the poorest that live within a 3 mile radius of the school. One of six mini-projects was to put a metal roof on the home of a woman in need. On a afternoon four students along with the help of a leader built a metal roof on the home replacing the rusted roof dapped with rags.

The goal is to show our students the poverty in their own community and to develop their relationship with Christ and take on the responsibility of being a neighbor to those in need.

In April, Aaron & Andrea welcomed their firstborn Olivia. (

Christine & Ryan with Naomi moved to a new area in the suburbs of Chicago.

Martin graduated beginning of May with a degree in Mission Aviation. He was hired on by the University as a flight instructor. (LeTourneau, Longview, TX)

Gabi is a senior at Judson University (Elgin, IL). (

How great it is to have SKYPE, so that we can communicate often with our children and grandchildren.
We thank you for all your support through prayer and donations.

May our Lord Jesus bless you and keep you.

Michael & Bärbel Pflaum

[1] Wesley L. Duewel, Ablaze For God, Francis Asbury Press, Grand Rapids Michigan USA, 1989, page104-105.

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