Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013

Since the 15th of January 2013 we have arrived in Columbia,SC USA.

It is a privilege to be able to have a sabbatical.
We are in the process of registering and getting everything sorted, that studies can start on the 28th of January.
A very valuable time with family in Germany is behind us. Opa Pflaum celebrated his 86 birthday on January 13.
Opa Pflaum and two LM Mission Leaders

Opa has been and still is a great encouragement for us in the way how he and Oma live their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Opa & Oma at the birthday dinner


As we have to cover a lot of new ground, we are valuing all your prayers in supporting our endeavors here at Columbia International University.

Our new home at CIU

The small lake on the CIU property

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