Samstag, 22. März 2014

AMANO - Christian - School, Zambia

AMANO stands for wisdom in the Chibemba, one of the 72 languages or dialects spoken in Zambia.
The girls' hostel was the first building erected about ten years ago on the 490 hectare Sunny brook farm, the home of Amano School. Since the very beginning the school has been part of our lives.
Today more than 150 students are schooling at this place. Many missionaries, volunteers, and paid workers from Zambia have been laboring for the schools sucess story.
God has been blessing us in an incredible way. All the honor and glory to Him.

As we are now full-time at Amano we feel and see some off the burning needs much closely than before. On a recent weekend we stood in as house parents to give the house parents a much needed time away. We are glad for our volunteers from England and Germany. Without them the Amano hostels would not be able to function.
Volunteers are only around for six month to a year. The current ones are leaving us in the coming months. There are open opportunities to serve Christ at Amano school in an intercultural environment.
For long term opportunities we are in need of houseparents for our hostels. It is our prayer that the Lord will call qualified, highly motivated people who are ready to leave their home country and come to serve in Africa. Ministering to this intercultural group of students is a fulfilling challenge.

Living with youngsters and living life as a  Christ-like role model will yield unprecedented fulfillment.
There is no better way as to invest your live as a missionary in His Kingdom.
We are awaiting your move to make contact with us (

The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.
Hudson Taylor